Arizona Lottery, Citi Foundation and Chicanos Por La Causa Announce Major Workforce Development Initiative focused on Working Families in Tucson region
TUCSON, Ariz. (May 4, 2020) – Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC) announces the launch of the Opportunity for Families Workforce Initiative to support over 500 families affected by COVID-19 in the Tucson region. This is made possible through an expansion of CPLC’s Opportunity Youth Pathways, funded by the Citi Foundation and with support from the Arizona Lottery’s Gives Back program.
To date, CPLC’s Workforce Solutions program in Tucson has served over 600 youth in the South Tucson area. CPLC will now expand those services to entire families via a Household Resiliency Assessment delivered via email/text with a case manager follow-up. With Career Success Coaches funded through Citi and virtual training and upskilling workshops supported by the Arizona Lottery, CPLC can serve entire families and help them navigate the new dynamic brought on by COVID-19.
Services include:
- Comprehensive Household Resiliency assessments
- Whole-family case management and warm referrals to existing programs and support services
- Access to work readiness training, resume review, and mock interview assistance
- Access to free training and upskilling workshops
- Access to virtual GED classes and HSE programs
“The Arizona Lottery is proud to partner with Chicanos Por La Causa in their efforts to do even more good, helping those southern Arizonans families who need it most as we all work together to get through this difficult time,” said Gregg Edgar, Executive Director of the Arizona Lottery. “Arizonans are resilient, and the Arizona Lottery is working with CPLC’s Workforce Solutions program to help those working families identified through this assessment get the tools they need to emerge from this crisis even stronger than before.”
“Chicanos Por La Causa understands that the post-COVID-19 economy will be dramatically different from what we knew before. We remain dedicated to our youth and ensuring they complete their studies and now we’re expanding our services to help their parents, siblings, and family members as they launch into new careers, discover new training opportunities, and prepare for the new economy, said Lydia Aranda, President of CPLC Southern Arizona. “This, more than in any other time, is when we need to unify Southern Arizona communities, families and leaders around solutions for the current set of challenges and towards long-term, sustainable realignment of workforce success for our future generations.”
About Chicanos Por La Causa Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc. (CPLC) is a community development corporation that provides services in Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico. Since 1969, CPLC has been changing lives by developing self-sufficiency and instilling empowerment in those we serve. Our focus areas are economic development, education, integrated health & human services, and housing. CPLC provides a better life through offering business and employment opportunities; ensuring everyone has the solid foundation of an education; providing hope through a pathway of recovery, restoration, and resiliency; and ensuring that a safe, secure, affordable home is available to every individual we serve. Today, we have more than 40 programs & services, close to 1,000 employees, and 115 offices, making CPLC one of the largest community development corporations in the country. For more information, please visit